Kittenberger Kálmán Növény - Es vadaspark Szolgáltató


City: Veszprem
Country: Hungary
Region: Central Transdanubia
Opend 1958

Species 140

This is a great zoo, with a good savannah, interesting aviary for snow leopards and is counted by many hungaryans as the best zoo of Hungary. When visiting the Zoo please keep the ticket, since you have to show it at the gate, when you are visiting the new area and once more when you are going back (both times we cross a parking lot)

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Last visit 2017



Veszprem Zoo
Kittenberger K. út 15-17
H-8200 Veszprém


Telefon nr.: 088-566-140
Fax nr.: 088-327002



 Minimum Open 9am-3pm 



  • Adult 5400,- HUF
  • Cild (under 18) 3800,- HUF
  • Familly* 13.500,- HUF

* Familly in this Zoo are 2 adults and 1 child, each aditional child costs 3400,- HUF (up to 4 children)

Veszprem zoo was founded in 1958 as the 3rd zoo of Hungary, due to the EU laws it has gone trough a big lift, so most small cages have disapeared. Like the Savannah from 2008 and the enclosure for chimpanzees from 2009

Map 2011 Map 2015 Map 2020

After have been paying the entrance we have llamas in front of us. Turning rigt we se an aviary for birds of prey. Going under the bridge we follow the path and can enter the ring tailed lemurs. Heading down the hill and turning right we see some aviaries for owls. Behind the wood house with marsosets we go up the hill and see the South American tapir. On the top of the hill we then look down to lions, tigers and the lynx. Down again to the right its time to see snow leopards. following the woody path with a wood trail. Following the path we meet barbary sheep and ruffed lemurs. Going on the regular path again we meet black bears, wallabies and goitered gazelles.The last house on this path is a small terrarium. Hesding back we meet the coati, pelicans and water fowl.Next to them are raccoons and red pandas. At the ring tailed lemurs turn right up the hill and go towars the bridge we once again have to pass. on the way you meet some llamas as well as the alpaca. Turning right after the bridge we first meet the cheetal. Across are the red river hogs and flamingos. The we see our first glimps of the savannah with rhinos. On the right side are arabian an bactarian, followed by a petting zoo.Turn right and you enter a world of dinosaurs, one of the best in Europe. Back in the regular zoo we then have the former ape house with gelada baboons. Follow the rhino savannah, that is followed by one for giraffes.  Then its time to see Asian elephant. The last animals are the African Penguins and harbour seals


DE: Dieser kleine Zoo zeigt eine gute Artenvielfallt und hat schöne grosse Anlagen wie die Savanne und der Schimpansen. Und bitte immer das Ticket bei euch behalten. Den das Erweiterungsgelände liegt ausserhalb des alten Gelände

DK: Denne lille have viser mange interessante arter med mange flotte anlæg som dem for Sneleoparder og chimpanser, samt savannen. Og husk altid at have biletten på jer, da det nye og det gamle område er adskilt fra hinanden
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